The Mailing List
mailing list

You may want to know how to subscribe to the wonderful #texas mailing list. I will warn you ahead of time, though, it may not be suitable for children! (Even though some of the #texas participants act like children at times.) Various topics are usually discussed on the #texas mailing list. Anyhting you can imagine has probably been discussed about already. What the 3 main reasons why #texans send email to the list are as follows:

1. Party Information: People frequently send out info about parties that they are going to have, or parties that are going to happen, and explicit directions on how to get to these wonderful parties.

2. Jokes: Usually you will receive a pretty good joke that was sent to the list from someone that doesn’t have anything better to do with their time or they are just bored at work. The jokes are pretty good, that we usually pass them on to other friends as well.

3. General Bitching and Whining: People usually find SOMETHING to bitch or whine about. You name it, and you can bitch about it. But, we have tried to stay away from the whole lemur subject, because some people are...well, sensitive. Now, you are probably thinking to yourself right, "How do I possibly get myself to be a part of this mailing list?" Just follow these easy-to-follow directions:

To subscribe to the #Texas List:
1. Compose an email message to
2. In the subject line, just type in the word "subscribe" ONLY (without the quotes)
3. Send the email

To unsubscribe to the #Texas List:
1. Compose an email message to
2. In the subject line, just type in the word "unsubscribe" ONLY (without the quotes)
3. Send the email

It’s as simple as that. Now, if you don’t understand or can’t follow these simple instructions, then we wouldn’t want someone like you to be a part of our list!